Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Forced Down in Yunnan

On August 14, 1944--Chinese Air Force Day--Capt. Mark T. Seacrest led a two-plane formation to skip-bomb a twin highway bridge located near Lashio, starting point of the Burma Road's south end. Hit by ground fire, both B-25s went down. Capt. Seacrest kept his A/C #714 in the air until he reached friendly territory, but it took eleven days for him and his aircrew to "walk out" and return to their 3rd Bomb Squadron.

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Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Retaking Myitkyina

Mitchells of the 3rd Bomb Squadron provided air support to Chinese ground troops as they retook the city of Myitkyina following a 78-day siege. “They knew we were paving the way.”

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Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Near Miss Over Wuchang

James H. Mills, at that time a staff sergeant, clearly remembered his mission to Hankow-Wuchang on July 24, 1945, when he was hit in the leg by a spent bullet that penetrated the B-25’s fuselage but caused no injury to him.

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Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Honoring the Fallen: Sgt. James A. Wadlow

Sgt. James A. Wadlow served as engineer-gunner and operated the waist guns on the ill-fated 3rd Bomb Squadron mission against the Japanese-held airfield at Ichang (Yichang) on May 16, 1945. Their B-25 was shot down by enemy ground fire and all six of the aircrew were lost.

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Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Honoring the Fallen: 2/Lt. Barton L. Wherritt

Flight Officer (posthumously promoted to 2nd Lieutenant) Barton L. Wherritt was a member of a six-man aircrew that perished after their B-25 was shot down over the Japanese-el airfield at Ichang (Yichang).

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Margaret Kincannon Margaret Kincannon

Honoring the Fallen: 1/Lt. Donald J. Davis

1/Lt. Donald J. Davis was the pilot of a six-man aircrew that was lost when their 3rd Bomb Squadron B-25 was shot down over Ichang (Yichang) on May 16, 1945. His remains were recovered and returned to his home in California for reburial on July 13, 1949.

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