Margaret Kincannon’s Blog

This is a typical wartime photograph, taken in Kunming. It was one of my dad’s collection, most of them sent home to my mom during the war. The Green Rooster Arch stands in the foreground, and the Golden Horse Arch is visible in the background. I know that my dad passed through here when he arrived in China with his squadron in early September 1944, but I have no other information about this photo. On a recent visit to China, I was thrilled to glimpse these two historic and beautiful arches through the moonlight one evening as we passed through the city.


Everything I have read about having a successful author website suggests that I need to create a blog, so here goes! Tell me how I’m doing!

This is something I have actually wanted to do. My book recounting the history of my dad’s Army Air Force squadron that operated in the China-Burma-India theater (CBI)—The Spray and Pray Squadron: 3rd Bomb Squadron, 1st Bomb Group, Chinese-American Composite Wing in World War II—includes more than 200 vintage photographs that help tell the story. However, I have many more that were “left on the cutting room floor.” One of my purposes in establishing this blog is to share as many as possible of those with you.

So stay tuned for more!


Meeting My Dad